El modelo celular de Elim siempre
ha sido un atractivo para instituciones tanto cristianas como comerciales.
Apenas habíamos comenzado a ser conocidos por nuestro trabajo celular cuando
aparecieron las empresas comerciales que utilizan el sistema de ventas llamado
“piramidal” o el “multiniveles”. Para ellos, ya no era necesario construir una
estructura, la iglesia ya la tenía. Lo único que se debería hacer era
implementar las ventas a través del modelo. Sus palabras fueron más o menos:
“Sus líderes tendrán un trabajo que les dejará mucho tiempo libre para la
iglesia, los supervisores vivirán holgadamente, los pastores de zona serán
ricos y usted será millonario.” Ellos se sorprendieron y se molestaron mucho
cuando les respondí que no estábamos interesados en vender jabón ni vitaminas y
que yo tampoco tenía interés en ser millonario. El modelo celular es el ser de
la iglesia con el propósito de cumplir la misión de Dios para un mundo que
perece y no una maquinaria de ventas por catálogo.
Otras instituciones de
inspiración cristiana que utilizan los grupos pequeños para colocar Biblias,
libros y otros materiales impresos ven en Elim la gran oportunidad para colocar
masivamente sus productos. Muchos de ellos son muy buenos, incluso los
recomendaría… para aquellas iglesias que no tienen células. Sería una buena
manera de comenzar. Pero, para un sistema maduro y bien establecido, con
nuestros propios materiales y nuestra Ruta del Líder, sería un desvío el
adoptar una modificación de ese tipo solamente por no saber decir NO a los
amables hermanos encargados de distribuir esos programas.
Finalmente, están las
instituciones que tienen tan nobles motivaciones que no pretenden vender sus
materiales para grupos pequeños, los regalan y proveen lo necesario para la
iglesia. No obstante, tienen una dificultad: son programas cortos de solo unas
semanas. En cambio el modelo celular demanda programas que deben durar toda la
vida. Es muy importante que el pastor sepa valorar si el adoptar algunos de
esos materiales le beneficiará o si, por el contrario, le desviará de su
objetivo. En nuestro caso, hemos preferido continuar con nuestros estudios ya
programados y el resultado ha sido mucho mejor si hubiésemos adoptado un
programa diferente por gratuito que sea. La clave de todo, es tener bien
definida la visión y los métodos que se seguirán para alcanzarla. Es vital
decir NO a todo aquello que nos aleje de ese propósito.
The Temptation to detour
from the vision.
Elim’s cell model has always been an attraction for
Christian and commercial institutions. We had barely begun to be known for our
cell work when the commercial enterprises that use the sales system called “pyramidal”
or “multi-level” showed up. For them, it was not necessary to build a structure
anymore since the church already had it. The only thing to do was to implement the
sales through the model. Their words were something like this: “Your leaders will have a job that will
leave them with plenty of time for the church, the supervisors will live
comfortably, the zone pastors will be rich and you will be a millionaire”. They
were surprised and very upset when I answered that we were not interested in
selling soap or vitamins and that I also had no interest in being a
millionaire. The cell model is the being of the church with the sole purpose to
fulfill God’s mission for a perishing world and not machinery for catalog
Other institutions of Christian inspiration that use small groups to sell Bibles, books and other printed materials see in Elim a great opportunity to scale their products massively. Many of them are very good; I would even recommend them... for those churches that do not have cells. It would be a good way to start. But for a mature and well established system, with our own materials and our Leader’s Route, it would be a turnoff to adopt such a modification only because you don’t know how to say NO to the kind brothers in charge of distributing those programs.
Other institutions of Christian inspiration that use small groups to sell Bibles, books and other printed materials see in Elim a great opportunity to scale their products massively. Many of them are very good; I would even recommend them... for those churches that do not have cells. It would be a good way to start. But for a mature and well established system, with our own materials and our Leader’s Route, it would be a turnoff to adopt such a modification only because you don’t know how to say NO to the kind brothers in charge of distributing those programs.
Finally, there are institutions that have such
noble motivations that do not intend to sell their materials for small groups, they
give them away and provide what is necessary for the church. However, they have
a difficulty: these are short programs of only a few weeks. The cell model
demands instead programs that should last a lifetime. It is very important that
the pastor knows how to assess if adopting some of these materials will benefit
or on the contrary detour him from his target. In our case, we have chosen to
continue with our programmed studies and the result has been much better than if
we had taken a different program even if it was free. The key to everything is having
a well-defined vision and the methods that have to be followed to achieve it.
It is vital to say NO to anything that keeps us from that purpose.